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Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey, situated by Parliament Square in the centre of London is regarded as the House of Kings. The Abbey has been the setting for the coronation of almost every king and queen of England since the time of William the Conqueror.
Westminster Abbey is an active Church of England Cathedral, with religious ceromonies held throughout the week. As well as being the place for Coronations, the Abbey is a famous burial place for some of England's best know monarchs, including Henry VII and Elizabeth I.
The Abbey also has memorials to some of England's most highly regarded writers over the centuries in an area known as Poets Corner. At the back of the Abbey is also the Westminster school.
Visitors can sightsee inside the Abbey during specified hours during the day, normally from 9:30am until 1:30pm or 3:30pm. Tickets are £10 per adult.
Bird's Eye View of Westminster Abbey & Surrounding Area:
For further information visit our Westminster London Guide