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London Food Guide
British Food. World reknown and historically the subject of many a French joke. Yet the English food and restaurant scene is experiencing a rennaissance like no other and no where is this more evident than in the heart of London. So who's having the last laugh asks The London Guide?
British food has typically always been simple. Fish and chips, a good old roast consisting of beef and potatoes or Yorkshire pudding, a savoury pastry with a variety of fillings, are all firm national favourites.
Britain has a large selection of fresh ingredients - fruit and vegetables, meat and fish are all home produced. Being an isle with some of the best fishing coasts, the British people have always relied heavily on fish as part of their cuisine. Species such as haddock, plaice, cod, turbot, lobsters and oysters are in abundance and form the core of British cooking.
The great influx of restaurants opening in London over the last decade have led to a changing international psyche as to the view of British restaurants. With over 40 Michelin-starred restaurants in the capital, London now has more restaurants than the food metropolis' that are New York or Tokyo and is quickly earning a reputation as the world's new food capital. These international cuisines have influenced British food like never before and talk today is of the new resturants in town serving Modern British Cuisine.
Modern British cuisine draws from a great multicultural mix of influences. London restaurants are the ideal place to sample this innovative cuisine as they are home to most of the pioneering chefs who implemented such welcome changes.
And perhaps what is most pleasing about the current London restaurant scene is the range of diversity. From British to French, to Chinese and Indian, there is a surplus of places to eat cuisines from all over the world spread throughout the capital to suit all budgets.
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